Sewer & Drain — Flow-Liner® Systems
We Keep the World Flowing

Sewer & Drain


Whether you're a customer in need of pipe lining, or a company looking to get started or further your business, say goodbye to digging trenches all day and the clean up from excavation and demolition - Go Trenchless. Scroll down to see some of the sewer and drain trenchless systems Flow-Liner® offers. 

Flow-Liner offers a variety of sewer and drain lining products and equipment. Click the Equipment/Product drop down to learn more about what we offer.

Certifications & Testing:

  • Engineer Tested

  • UL Tested to ASTM D648 Standards

  • IAPMO Certified

  • Complies with NSF 14 Standards

  • Complies with the International Plumbing Code® and the International Residential Code®

  • Meets or Exceeds ASTM F1216 Standard for the Rehabilitation of Existing Pipelines

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